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Display panel in a script field (ScriptRunner)


  • ScriptRunner running on your Jira.

Let's say you have the following Elements Checklist panel structure:

Display Checklist panel in a script field

Display Checklist panel in a script field

You want to get your panel content and display it in the issue navigator, a Jira dashboard or even have it in your PDF exports

Display Checklist panel in a script field Script Runner

Display Checklist panel in a script field Script Runner

You can use the following script in a script field:

import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor;
import com.atlassian.plugin.PluginAccessor;

PluginAccessor pluginAccessor = ComponentAccessor.getPluginAccessor();

// All Class requirements
Class panelRefClass = pluginAccessor.getClassLoader().findClass("");
Class issueRefClass = pluginAccessor.getClassLoader().findClass("");
Class panelRenderingServiceClass = pluginAccessor.getClassLoader().findClass("");

def panelRenderingService = ComponentAccessor.getOSGiComponentInstanceOfType(panelRenderingServiceClass);
def PANEL_NAME = "Quote"; // TO EDIT

try {
    // Get panel
    def panel = panelRefClass.byName(PANEL_NAME);
    // Generate and return the HTML
    return panelRenderingService.renderPanel(issue,panel);
} catch (Exception e) {
    // You can log an Exception - or fail silently
    return '';

You can even customize the CSS of the css table - in this example we show how to generate tables with a Confluence style (useful if you want to display them in a Jira issue macro in a confluence table):

import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor;
import com.atlassian.plugin.PluginAccessor;

PluginAccessor pluginAccessor = ComponentAccessor.getPluginAccessor();

// All Class requirements
Class panelRefClass = pluginAccessor.getClassLoader().findClass("");
Class issueRefClass = pluginAccessor.getClassLoader().findClass("");
Class panelRenderingServiceClass = pluginAccessor.getClassLoader().findClass("");
Class defaultCssClassProviderClass = pluginAccessor.getClassLoader().findClass("");
Class renderOptionsClass = pluginAccessor.getClassLoader().findClass("");

def panelRenderingService = ComponentAccessor.getOSGiComponentInstanceOfType(panelRenderingServiceClass);
def defaultCssClassProvider = defaultCssClassProviderClass.newInstance();
def issueRef = issueRefClass.byId(issue.getId());
def renderOptions = renderOptionsClass.newInstance();

def PANEL_NAME = "Quote"; // TO EDIT



try {
    // Get panel
    def panel = panelRefClass.byName(PANEL_NAME);
    // Generate and return the HTML
    return panelRenderingService.renderPanel(issueRef,panel, renderOptions);
} catch (Exception e) {
    // You can log an Exception - or fail silently
    return '';
JavaScript errors detected

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