Third-party Library Usage
Below is the list of all 3rd party libraries used by Elements Checklist
Server side
Library name | Maven grouId | Maven artifacId | Version | License |
Exec Maven Plugin | org.codehaus.mojo | exec-maven-plugin | 3.0.0 | Apache 2.0 |
Maven Compiler Plugin | org.apache.maven.plugins | maven-compiler-plugin | 3.7.0 | Apache 2.0 |
Maven Release Plugin | org.apache.maven.plugins | maven-release-plugin | 2.5 | Apache 2.0 |
Maven Deploy Plugin | org.apache.maven.plugins | maven-deploy-plugin | 2.8.2 | Apache 2.0 |
Dependency Check Maven Plugin | org.owasp | dependency-check-maven | 5.2.2 | Apache 2.0 |
Atlassian Spring Scanner Annotation | com.atlassian.plugin | atlassian-spring-scanner-annotation | 1.2.13 | Apache 2.0 |
Atlassian Spring Scanner Runtime | com.atlassian.plugin | atlassian-spring-scanner-runtime | 1.2.13 | Apache 2.0 |
Shared Application Access Layer API | com.atlassian.sal | sal-api | 2.11.2 | BSD 3-clause |
Javax Inject | javax.inject | javax.inject | 1 | Apache 2.0 |
JSR 311 API | | jsr311-api | 1.1.1 | CDDL 1.0 |
Gson | | gson | 2.2.2-atlassian-1 | Apache 2.0 |
Universal Plugin Manager Licensing API | com.atlassian.upm | licensing-api | 2.15.3 | Atlassian 3.0 |
Universal Plugin Manager API | com.atlassian.upm | upm-api | 2.15.3 | Atlassian 3.0 |
CommonMark Java Core | com.atlassian.commonmark | commonmark | 0.11.0 | BSD 2-clause |
Atlassian Plugins TestRunner | com.atlassian.plugins | atlassian-plugins-osgi-testrunner | 1.2.3 | Atlassian BSD |
JUnit | junit | junit | 4.10 | CPAL 1.0 CPL 1.0 |
Mockito | org.mockito | mockito-all | 1.8.5 | MIT |
ActiveObjects Plugin OSGi Bundle | com.atlassian.activeobjects | activeobjects-plugin | 3.6.3 | Apache 2.0 |
ActiveObjects Plugin Test Library | com.atlassian.activeobjects | activeobjects-test | 3.6.3 | Apache 2.0 |
HSQLDB | hsqldb | hsqldb | | HSQLDB |
Browser side
Library | Version | License |
aui-react | 0.0.5 | Apache 2.0 |
babel-runtime | 6.26.0 | MIT |
bignumber.js | 4.0.2 | MIT |
classnames | 2.2.3 | MIT |
core-js | 2.5.3 | MIT |
fs | 0.0.1-secutiry | ISC |
i18next | 8.4.2 | MIT |
isomorphic-fetch | 2.2.1 | MIT |
jszip | 3.1.5 | MIT OR GPL-3.0 |
lodash | 4.17.4 | MIT |
markdown-it | 8.4.0 | MIT |
numbro | 2.0.3 | MIT |
prop-types | 15.5.10 | MIT |
react | 15.6.1 | MIT |
react-ace | 5.7.0 | MIT |
react-color | 2.13.8 | MIT |
react-dom | 15.6.1 | MIT |
react-input-autosize | 2.0.1 | MIT |
react-redux | 5.0.5 | MIT |
react-select | 1.0.0-rc.10 | MIT |
redux | 3.7.1 | MIT |
redux-devtools-extension | 2.13.2 | MIT |
redux-logger | 3.0.6 | MIT |
redux-saga | 0.15.4 | MIT |
styled-components | 1.4.6 | MIT |