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Configure HubSpot as a datasource


  • Have a Jira Cloud instance

  • Have Elements Connect installed on your instance

  • Have a HubSpot account  

Configuration steps

  1. HubSpot API configuration

  2. Elements Connect configuration

  3. Endpoint examples

1. Hubspot API configuration

Create a private app

  • Go to settings image-20240530-094146.png

  • Go to Account Setup > Integrations > Private Apps

  • Create a private app

  • When creating this app, go to the Scopes section and specify the elements you want Elements Connect to access (grant only read access), as below:

  • Once the app is created, copy the token that has been created as a result:


2. Elements Connect configuration

  • Go to the Elements Connect administration menu

  • Go to the Datasources tab

  • Create a new REST API datasource and configure it as follows:

    • API Base URL:

    • API Documentation:

    • API Test URL:


(info) This URL must refer to an allowed endpoint and therefore be included in a previously selected scope in HubSpot. In this exemple, the scope was “” so this “Test URL” can be used.

  • Authentication:

    • Mode: API Key (Send in Request Header)

    • Header name:

    • API KEY:

      Bearer YOUR_TOKEN

      (info) You need to replace YOUR_TOKEN with the Token provided when the Hubspot app was created.

  • Then, click "Save" and "Test Connection":


3. Endpoint examples

Once your datasource is ready, you can create connected fields and retrieve different types of information.

All available endpoints are listed in this documentation: CRM - Objects

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