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Dependencies to the current user

It may be useful to display data related to the logged-in user. To do that, you can reference current user attributes in a Connected item query.

The $currentUser variable is available and exposes 5 attributes:


Returns a string which corresponds to the logged-in user display name


> "John Doe"
StringemailAddressReturns a string which corresponds to the logged-in user email address$currentUser.emailAddress

> ""
StringaccountId Returns a unique identifier which corresponds to the logged-in user Atlassian account ID

> "8878ccae-33566-3e50-b27a"
Stringlocale Returns a string which corresponds to the logged-in user locale

> "fr_FR"
StringtimeZone Returns a string which corresponds to the logged-in user timezone

> "Europe/Berlin"


Referencing properties of the current user works the same way as referencing the value of other Connected items.
Here is an example:

SELECT role, manager
FROM employees
WHERE name = $currentUser.displayName

is evaluated to:

SELECT role, manager
FROM employees
WHERE name = 'Brice Gestas'

Don't enclose $currentUser with double quotes

When using a SQL datasource, the $currentUser dependencies must no be enclosed with " (double quotes). The enclosing is done automatically by Elements Connect.
The query below will not work:

// This query will not work - Do no enclose $currentUser dependencies with double quote
SELECT role, manager
FROM employees
WHERE name = "$currentUser.displayName"

What about the email address?

Elements Connect is a trusted Atlassian application. This means that we can always have access to the current user's email address, without having to manually enable it from personnal accounts. If a restriction is still in place, please manually upgrade Elements Connect to the latest version.

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