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Dependencies using the current user

It may be useful to display data related to the logged-in user. To do that, you can reference current user attributes in a Custom field query.

The $currentUser variable is available and exposes 5 attributes:




Returns a string which corresponds to the logged-in user display name


> "John Doe"
StringemailAddressReturns a string which corresponds to the logged-in user email address$currentUser.emailAddress

> ""
StringaccountId Returns a unique identifier which corresponds to the logged-in user Atlassian account ID

> "8878ccae-33566-3e50-b27a"
Stringlocale Returns a string which corresponds to the logged-in user locale

> "fr_FR"
StringtimeZone Returns a string which corresponds to the logged-in user timezone

> "Europe/Berlin"

If we go back to our previous example, we could highly simplify the process by only configuring one custom field, based on the logged-in user:


Considering each car is linked to its owner in the data source, we can configure the following request:

SELECT model
FROM car_models
WHERE car_owner ='$currentUser.emailAddress'

Only cars from the logged-in user will be available as options of the custom field

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