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6.0.2 Release note

Support of gzip encoding and bug fixes

If you upgrade from v5, please read this release note carefully!!

This version, brings the support of the gzip encoding for URL datasources. If you're requesting large files with Elements Connect, you should activate this option in your datasource configuration to speed up your fields.

We have also fixed small bugs related to the new 6.0 version:

  • CO-3492 - Connect should handle the gzip encoding
  • CO-3547 - Order of JSON columns and Read only table template not saved in the correct order
  • CO-3563 - "Cannot read property 'maxSuggestions' of undefined" error when editing or testing configuration created from json export
  • CO-3564 - NullPointerException when generating configuration backup
  • CO-3565 - HTML returned by the data source shall never be evaluated (edit, search & display views)
  • CO-3567 - Connect Legacy Text fields not compatible with Jira Misc Workflow and other apps (com.valiantys.jira.plugins.sql.customfield.DeprecatedFieldSingularObject)
  • CO-3569 - It shall be possible to export a field configuration even if the CF is deleted
  • CO-3570 - It shall be possible to open and delete a field configuration when field is missing
  • CO-3571 - Add debug information in logs when searching on connect fields generates an error
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