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6.3.0 Release note


New hide option, migration & security optimizations, corrupted values corrector, bug fixes.


If you're upgrading from Elements Connect v5, read this release note carefully!

Admin tool 


  • CO-3703 - New option to hide a read-only Connect field on create, edit and transition issue screens
  • Increased security of the data sources passwords stored in Elements Connect

Bug fixes

  • CO-3675 - Live User Fields are preselected in Bulk Edit
  • CO-3705 - Can't configure a connection to GitHub with OAuth2
  • CO-3696 - Missing parent configuration errors on dependent fields after Connect configuration update

We are working on our next project: Elements Connect for Jira Cloud! ☁️

If you are a Jira Cloud user or plan to migrate your Jira Server instance to Cloud: register here to be updated of our progress!

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