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How to configure specific Jira logging level for Elements Connect ?

Sometimes, it could be useful to temporary enable lower logging level (like debug) for Elements Connect. This could help you, or our support team, see the additional messages that could help us understand what is going on under the surface of our app.

Configuring Jira logging level is quite simple: you must be logged in Jira as a user with the JIRA Administrators global permission and:

  1. Open Logging and profiling page (System / Logging and profiling)

  2. Scroll down to "Default loggers" section and click on "Configure logging level for another package"

  3. Add Package name "com.valiantys.jira.plugins.sql" in the Package name field. You can leave TRACE Logging Level in order to have all Elements Connect messages logged. Click on add button in the popup. 

That's it. Additional log messages will now appear in your Jira log file.

Package name that you added appears in the Default loggers section of your Jira. Once you finished with the analyse, don't forget to set the default logging level to ERROR for the  "com.valiantys.jira.plugins.sql" package.

Note that any changes you make here are not persisted across server restarts.

For more information about Logging and profiling see this page

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