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API Guide

If you are an app developer or a Jira script writer you might like to read and set values stored in Elements Connect fields.

For this matters, we provide APIs that you can use in your own development.

  • Java API - If you want to manipulate Elements Connect fields values from a program running in the Jira JVM.
    For example your own Jira app or a ScriptRunner groovy script.
  • Elements Connect REST API - If you want to retrieve the display value of a field on an Issue.
  • Jira REST API - See how Elements Connect is compatible with different Jira APIs, like "Edit issues" or "/createmeta".

(warning) We strictly discourage to directly manipulate values stored in Jira database.
If you can't find your way though the API, you should have a look at the storage format of Elements Connect fields values.

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