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Create a Zendesk Sell Leads picker in Jira issues

Need: Reference Zendesk Sell leads in Jira issues

Can be used in a scenario where Jira is used to manage potential sell leads. With the "Zendesk Sell leads" field, a sales manager could select to what leads relate the Jira issue.

This is just an example, the Zendesk Sell datasource gives access to plenty of information like Name, Email and Status. Check the Zendesk Sell REST API documentation for more information.

Solution: Connect Jira to Zendesk Sell and create a leads picker

We use Elements Connect to connect to Zendesk Sell datasource and populate a custom field with a list of all Zendesk Sell leads.

In this example, we list all leads in Zendesk Sell

Configuration guide: how to create a Zendesk lead picker

Step 1: connect to the datasource

First, create the Zendesk Sell datasource in Connect.

Step 2: create Elements Connect field

  • Download the field configuration: Zendesk_Sell_Leads_export.json

  • From Elements Connect administration, create an Elements Connect field of type Live Text

  • Click on the field name to configure it and select the third option: "Import an external configuration"

Select "Import an external configuration"

  • Select the "Zendesk Sell" datasource created previously

  • That's it! The field is now configured. You can adapt the query ("URL Path") to your needs, check out the Zendesk Sell REST API documentation to discover what you can do with it.

  • Click the "Save" button, the field can now be used from an issue.

Your field is now properly configured

The result in your Jira ticket

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