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Actions tab

This page allows you to select the actions that can be performed directly from your Data Panel.

Issue linking

Link issues

You can decide whether users can link issues directly from the Data Panel or not. If enabled, a new button will be available at the bottom of Data Panel.
Once clicked, it opens a dialog where users can select existing issues which match the Linked issues filter JQL condition and bulk link them to the current issue.

This action is only possible if the current user has the permission to link issues in the source project.

Link permission

You can bypass user permissions by checking the "Bypass user permissions" checkbox.
When enabled, even users without the "Link issue" permission will be able to link issues by using the Data Panel. However, they won't be able to remove an existing link between two issues.

Action label

You can change the label of the button used to link issues.

Change Label for Data panel Link issues

Operation buttons


You can select any previously configured Elements Copy & Sync Operations so they can be displayed as a button and directly executed from Data Panel.

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