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Escalate issue to a team working in another Jira project on behalf of



We are working with two Jira projects: one Jira Service Management, one Jira Core.

Working on Different projects

You are a Jira Service Management agent qualifying requests from customers. It happens that you need to escalate issues to another team working in another Jira project.You don't have enough permissions to create issues in this other project.

No permission to escalate issues to team working in another project


With Elements Copy & Sync, you can automate issue creation in another project even if you don't have enough permission to do so. You will just need to specify who is the author of the action, i.e. someone having the permission to create issues in this project.

Solution to escape issues to team in another project


This tutorial has 3 steps:

  1. Create the escalation fields mapping;
  2. Create the escalation operation;
  3. Configure the escalation post-function.


  • A user having permission to create issues in the escalation target project.

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