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How to clone all issues from one project to another

Our app doesn't directly support cloning issues between projects, but you can achieve this through a workaround, following these steps:

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Set up a Fields Mapping

Begin by configuring a Fields Mapping to specify the fields to be copied:

  • Navigate to the Elements Copy & Sync administration menu.
  • Go to the "Fields mapping" tab.
  • Create a new Fields Mapping:
    • Configure it according to your needs.
    • If you want all fields to be copied, click on "Add all available fields." Otherwise, select the fields individually.

Set up an Operation

Next, set up an operation to copy Jira issues from one project to another using the Fields Mapping created above. Depending on whether the Issue Types are the same between both projects, follow the appropriate scenario:

Scenario #1 - Same Issue Types

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  • Navigate to the Elements Copy & Sync administration menu
  • Go to the "Operations" tab
  • Create a new Operation 
  • Configure it as follows:
    • Display tab: there is nothing to do
    • Activation tab: there is nothing to do
    • Target tab:
      • Project: select the target project
      • Issue type: select "Current issue type"
      • Fields Mapping: select the Fields mapping created above
      • Issue Content: Activate all the "Also copy" options (Attachments, Comments, Links to Confluence pages, Jira issue links)

Scenario #2 - Different Issue Types

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  • Navigate to the Elements Copy & Sync administration menu
  • Go to the "Operations" tab
  • Create an operation for each different Issue type.
  • Configure each operation as follows:
    • Display tab: there is nothing to do
    • Activation tab: 
      • JQL filter: specify the Issue Type to be taken into account so that the operation is only performed in the corresponding tickets, as follows:

    • Target tab:
      • Project: select the target project
      • Issue type: Select the Issue Type to match the Issue Type specified in the Activation tab.
      • Fields Mapping: select the Fields mapping created above
      • Issue Content: Activate all the "Also copy" options (Attachments, Comments, Links to Confluence pages, Jira issue links)

For example, let's say you want to copy tickets from project A to project B.

Project A contains the Issue Types "Task" and "Bug" whereas Project B contains the Issue Types "Story" and "Problem", so you need to set up two different operations:

  • One to copy tickets from Task to Story
  • Another to copy tickets from Bug to Problem


Set up a "fake" transition in your source project workflow

Once the operations have been configured, you need to create a "fake" transition in the workflow of the source project, in order to provide the ability to trigger the operation(s) in several tickets at once:

  • Edit the workflow of the source project
  • Create a "fake" transition, from "Any status" to "Itself":
  • Go to "Post Functions":
  • Add the post function called "Elements Copy & Sync: Create and link Issue"
  • Configure it as follows:
    • Select all the operations created above (there are several to select in the case of scenario #2)
    • Activate the "Clone subtasks" option
  • Don't forget to publish and save your changes

Trigger the fake transition using a bulk operation

Finally, trigger the transition in all tickets of the source project, using a bulk operation:

  • Navigate to "Issues" and then "Search for Issues"
  • Search for all the tickets in your source project
  • Run a bulk operation:
  • Step 1 of 4: Select all tickets
  • Step 2 of 4: Select "Transition Issues"
  • Step 3 of 4: Select the fake transition. 

    There is a limitation and a transition cannot be triggered simultaneously from several statuses. You therefore have to repeat this bulk operation for each status:

  • Step 4 of 4: Confirm

Your tickets have now been cloned successfully, well done!

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