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Installing Elements Copy & Sync

Discover how to install Elements Copy & Sync on your Jira Data Center.

If your JIRA server has access to the internet

  • In the JIRA Administration menu, select Find New Add-ons and search for Elements Copy & Sync

  • Once you have found the Elements Copy & Sync add-on, select Buy Now or Free Trial and the add-on will download and install automatically.

If your JIRA server does not have access to the internet

  • Once downloaded and depending on the version you chose you will be presented with either an .obr or a .jar file
  • In the JIRA Administration menu, select Manage Add-ons, then to install the Elements Copy & Sync file.

Since Elements Copy & Sync v., you can download an .obr file.

An Object Bundle Repository file (OBR) is an archive which contains the add-on's .jar file and all its dependencies.

You must install it using the UPM, you cannot copy this add-on directly into your JIRA_HOME directory.

These add-on versions are packaged as an OSGI bundle: it creates a dependency within the valiantys-base-plugin.jar which manages licenses for Valiantys products.

Do not extract the .obr file.

If you downloaded an .obr file, do not extract its contents. JIRA will not recognize the file type if this is extracted before the upload.

If you downloaded a .zip file, you will have to rename your file in .obr

More information about manual add-on installation is available in the Atlassian Documentation.

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