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Unable to update Elements Copy & Sync

The dependency on the Insight plugin was removed in the version 3.3.8. From this version upwards, you can install Copy & Sync with the Insight Plugin disabled.

Problems with "Insight"

Dependency issues caused by "Insight"

Since version 4.19 of Jira Service Management, disabling or uninstalling "Insight" (which is now "Assets") may cause dependency issues that could prevent "Elements Copy & Sync" from being updated.

This is explained in the following release notes: Jira Service Management 4.19.x

Please see the following Atlassian KB on this topic: How to install, uninstall, enable or disable Insight - Asset Management app in different Jira Service Management instance type and version

So, if your JSM version is 4.19 or higher, please ensure that "Insight" is installed and enabled.

How to check that Insight is installed and enabled?

A. Via the "Manage Apps" page

Go to the "Manage Apps" page and check that the plugin named "Insight Plugin" is installed and enabled. Be careful not to confuse it with the other plugin called "jira-assets-plugin":

B. Via the "Support Zip" file

Another way is to generate a "Support Zip" file, as explained here.

Then, perform the following actions:

  • Open the Zip file
  • Go to the "application-properties" folder
  • Open the "application.xml" file
  • Search for "Insight Plugin"
  • Make sure the Status is set to ENABLED:

Caching issues

Another problem that may prevent you from updating our app is related to the plugin cache.

In this case, please perform the following actions:

  • Access the “Manage apps” page
  • Uninstall our app
  • Shut down your Jira instance
  • Clear the Jira’s plugin cache, as explained here: How to clear Jira's plugin cache
  • Restart your Jira instance
  • Reinstall our app

This operation is safe and will not result in any data loss.

If you are still unable to update our app, please contact our support team.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.