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Add/exclude a project to the analysis?


You’ve selected projects during the initial setup of the app, but your team has grown and some new projects have been created? It is possible to update your project’s scope and add a project to the analysis.

On the contrary, you’ve selected several porjects and now want to focus on one and only one project? You can delete a project from the analysis.

Please note that any change regarding projects scope will restart initial computation.


This guide explains how to update project scope of the Elements Pulse analysis.
The example will focus on adding a new project to the initial scope.


A first analysis has been computed, based on 1 (or more) project(s).

Another JSM project is available within the current instance.

Configuration steps

  1. As a Jira Administrator, click on the “Access settings” button

  2. Go the the 'JSM projects” section

  3. Click on the dropdown menu → all other available projects will be displayed here

  4. Select the project you want to add

  5. Save your changes


New project data will be computed - expect loading times (depending on project size)

All scores and indicators presented will now include new project.

In order to avoid new computation for each change on project scope, we recommend you change simultaneously: projects, time scope and categories

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