As a project administrator, you can choose which linked issues you want to display in an overview.
You can filter by link type (and direction) and by configuring a JQL.

Filter linked issues

Link types

You choose if you want to retrieve only issues with a specific link type (i.e: Blocks, Problem/Incident, ...) and specify a direction (i.e: Causes, Is caused by).

This allows you to only focus your working window on relevant issues without being polluted by other linked issues. 

It can be left empty if no filter on link types is needed.

Linked issues filter

In addition to the link type filter, you can also configure a JQL filter to display issues that are in a particular state or have particular values.

It can be useful when you want to only have an overview of ongoing tasks linked to the current one, for example.

It can be left empty if no filter on linked issues is needed.

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