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Linked issues

As a project administrator, you can choose which linked issues you want to display in an overview.
You can filter by link type (and direction) and by configuring a JQL.

Filter linked issues

Link types

You choose if you want to retrieve only issues with a specific link type (i.e: Blocks, Problem/Incident, ...) and specify a direction (i.e: Causes, Is caused by).

This allows you to only focus your working window on relevant issues without being polluted by other linked issues. 

It can be left empty if no filter on link types is needed.

Linked Issues Filter

In addition to filtering by link type, you can configure a JQL filter to display issues in a specific state or with particular values. This is useful for a more organized display, such as showing only ongoing linked issues or grouping issues by project in different overview tables.

When using a table display, these issues are paginated by pages of 25. The table displays a maximum of 50 issues (spread across two pages).
When using the Card display, all issues are listed, up to a maximum of 50 issues.

If the JQL filter is empty, the table will display the first 50 issues as returned by the Jira search.

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