Filtering Spreadsheet tables with Table filter and Chart

Using Spreadsheet and Table filter and charts for Confluence macro, you'll be able to filter your data for a cleaner, simpler and more efficient display.

To filter data, please follow these instructions:

Step 1 - Create a Spreadsheet document

The first step is to create a Spreadsheet. If you need help while creating a new spreadsheet please read this page.

  1. Insert your Spreadsheet macro and the file you want to display
  2. If you want filter data on a specific sheet, you'll find all the instructions on this page.

Step 2 - Create and configure the Table and Filter macro

  1. Click on "+", in the action bar to open the insert menu and go to other macros
  2. Once Table filter and charts application is installed, type "Table filter" in the upper-right search menu
  3. The Table Filter and charts graphic editor will now pop up and you can insert it on your Confluence page

Step 3 - Move the Spreadsheet into the Table and Filter macro

The last step is to move the Spreadsheet macro into the Table and Filter macro:

  1. Now simply drag & drop or cut & paste your spreadsheet into the Table Filter macro
  2. You have now a wide set of filters to apply to your data:

Looking for create charts with Table Filter and charts for Confluence? Please read this page.