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Installation / Upgrade

If your Confluence server has access to the internet

  • In the Confluence Administration menu, select Find New Add-ons and search for Spreadsheet
  • Once you have found the Spreadsheet add-on, select Buy Now or Free Trial and the add-on will download and install automatically.

If your Confluence server does not have access to the internet

When it is possible, test the upgrade in a staging environment.

Before You Start:

  1. Ensure that your Spreadsheet license key is active with the target add-on version. You can ask for a renewal key at
  2. Make a full backup of your Confluence.

The easiest way to upgrade Spreadsheet is to use the Atlassian Universal Plugin Manager (UPM).

With the UPM, two options are available:

If your Confluence server has access to Internet

  1. As a user with administrative privileges, click the Manage Add-ons link in the administration menu. 
    Add-ons available for updating appear in the Add-ons Requiring Action list. 
  2. Find Spreadsheet in the list. It should appear in the list of add-ons for which an action is required. 
    If needed, select the Action Required filter to have the add-on appear .
  3. Click on the Update button. 
    The UPM downloads and applies the latest version of Confluence. When finished, a success message appears.

For more information, please refer to Atlassian documentation page Updating Apps.

If your Confluence server doesn't have access to Internet

  1. In your browser, download the add-on artifact from Atlassian Marketplace ( You will get an .obr file.
  2. As a user with Confluence administrative privileges, click the Manage Add-ons link in the administration menu. 
  3. Upload the artifact using the Upload Plugin link. The old version is removed from the file system, and the new one is added.

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