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Comments are a great way for team members to collaborate on the same Spreadsheet document. They allow you to remark on content, add important information, ask questions, and generally drive collaboration and teamwork. 

Comments can only be added for a specific cell, not cell ranges.

You can know whether a Spreadsheet document contains comments directly from the Confluence page, the comment icon will display:

You can know whether a Spreadsheet document contains unread comments directly from the Confluence page, a red notification badge will display on the comment icon:

In order to read comments, you will need to edit the Spreadsheet document.

Comments can be managed from the sidebar. Simply click on the list icon in the sidebar: 

You can also access Comments by clicking the Comments option from the toolbar:

You may also access a specific comment by clicking right on a specific cell and selecting "Comments" from the context menu: 

Create Comments

There are two ways to create comments:

  • Using the Shift+F2 keyboard shortcut 

  • From the sidebar, by clicking the "Add comment" button

While adding a comment, the associated cell is highlighted with a yellow border to easily spot it. 

Once your comment has been saved, the yellow border comment indicator will display around the cell in the Spreadsheet editor. From the Comments sidebar, each comment is identified by the name of the Spreadsheet sheet followed by the cell reference.

In the case where your Spreadsheet document has several sheets, note that comments are added for the current sheet in order to ease their management.

Comment indicators can only be viewed in the Spreadsheet editor. They do not display on the Confluence published page.

Respond to Comments

Comments are for collaboration so Confluence users permitted to access the page where the Spreadsheet document is inserted will be able to answer any existing comments. 

From the moment a user answers a comment, this becomes a threaded conversation. You can notice it because answers to an initial comment are docked underneath it:

Edit your own Comments

Any user can edit their own comments by simply clicking the "..." option or "Edit" for threaded conversations.

View Unread Comments

You can know whether a Spreadsheet document contains unread comments directly from the Confluence page, a red notification badge will display on the comment icon:

In order to read comments, you will need to edit the Spreadsheet document.

The number of unread comments will display on the notification badge located on the Comment option from the toolbar:

Clicking the Comment option will open the Comments manager in the sidebar. 

Unread comments are easily identified with a red badge:

Notifications for unread comments are updated when the comment has been viewed (i.e. the comment has been expanded). 

Do not worry if you can still see the red badge after viewing a comment, there can be a lag of a few seconds. That can happen when switching quickly between several unread comments. 

Delete Comments

Any user can delete their own comments. You cannot delete comments created by other users. 

Users who initiated a threaded conversation can delete the initial comment, which will result in deleting the entire thread, i.e. any replies subsequently created (even those of other users). 

Deleting this thread will delete the initial comment and the reply from Caroline

Deleting this thread will delete the initial comment and the reply from Caroline

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