At Elements, we try our best to be closer to our users and keep them informed. To do so, you have many possibilities to stay up-to-date. Below, you will find all channels in place to track and follow our moves. 


Under the Atlassian marketplace, you will have the ability to receive a notification every Elements Spreadsheet release. We try to deliver regularly. We also invite you to consult the version history link, which includes our previous releases. You will find under this paragraph how to access this page.


One of our philosophy is transparency to let you know how the product is evolving. We have provided two ways to track and follow our releases:

  1. On the marketplace: on the Version tab, you will find a link "See all versions", which leds you to all server / data center / cloud releases.
  2. On this documentation: we have created a dedicated section called "Changelogs" to retrace our releases with links either to resolved bugs, either to documentation of given features.

For Server / Data center licences, please note that you might need to contact your administator referent in order to successfully upgrade and enable full exploitation of our app if it is not done yet.

Support portal

We have the willingness to deliver a personalised service to our users. Your inputs are precious as it helps us to better scope your needs and fill them. That's why we put in place a dedicated support portal in case you have an issue to raise. Once the link established with our team, we will let you the possibility to either watch the issue, either vote for it. It means :

You are watching the issue

You will receive a notification if there is any update on the ticket tracked.

You are voting for an issue

You will also receive a notification if there is any update, but it also shows your interest to emphasize the request. You should know that the more "voters" we have, the more the issue is becoming a priority and is considered for our upcoming developments. 


Every three months, our team picks the best topics among our company activites to introduce them to you by email. Stay tuned!