This page explains the operating principle and the configuration of Connected items.


As explained before, the values of a Connected item are generated in 2 steps:

  1. A query in the external datasource, the output is a result set
  2. A template is applied on each row of the result set, the output is
    • a list of options - in case of a Connected item of type "Text - Select list"
    • a text string - in case of a Connected item of type "Text - Read only"


  • For performance purposes, Elements Connect will only read the first 1,000 rows of a result set. To access the subsequent row, use the userInput parameter
  • A 5-minute, non-configurable, cache for the datasource exists. Identical queries will fetch the Connected item values directly in the cache

Datasource type

The query and template item configuration is different if a SQL or REST API datasource is used

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