Export JSON data definition
Here you can find details related to the Checklist data export of your project. The JSON file is structured in two sections:
Panel definition: all data related to the definition of your Checklist panel done from the app admin interface in the Project Settings
Panel data: all Checklist data items recorded in each Jira issue.
The panel definition is translated in the following way:
Field | Scope | Description |
id | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Identifier of the panel definition |
name | CLOUD | Name of the panel definition |
autoPopulate | ON PREMISE | Defines how a created issue is populated with this panel :
projectId | CLOUD | Identifier of the Jira project in which this panel is defined |
lastUpdate | CLOUD | Information about the latest update on this panel See LastUpdate section |
customerPortalParameters | CLOUD | Information about the customer portal parameters chosen See PortalParameters section |
issueTypes | CLOUD | Information about the issue types associated with this panel (linked to requestTypes) See IssueTypes section |
requestTypes | CLOUD | Information about the request types associated to this panel See RequestTypes section |
permissions | CLOUD | Information about when and by whom the panel can be edited See Permissions section |
templates | CLOUD | Information about the defined templates for the panel See Templates section |
attributes | CLOUD | Information about the different panel attributes See Attributes section |
"id": string,
"name": string,
"autoPopulate": "do_not_auto_populate"|"auto_populate_with_first"|"auto_populate_with_all",
"projectId": string,
"lastUpdate": {LastUpdate},
"customerPortalParameters": {PortalParameters},
"issueTypes": [{IssueTypes}],
"requestTypes": [{RequestTypes}],
"permissions": {Permissions},
"templates": [{Templates}],
"attributes": [{Attributes}]
Field | Scope | Description |
user | CLOUD ON PREMISE | User responsible for the update which contains:
date | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Date of the update. The format of the date is related to the Jira configuration |
"user": {
"avatar": string,
"displayName": string
"date": string
Field | Scope | Description |
isVisibleOnCustomerPortal | CLOUD | Specifies if the panel is visible on Customer Portal |
dateisMandatoryOnCustomerPortal | CLOUD | Specifies if the panel can be empty on Customer Portal |
mandatoryCustomerPortalMessage | CLOUD | Message displayed when creating a request (on Customer Portal) with an empty panel |
"isVisibleOnCustomerPortal": boolean,
"isMandatoryOnCustomerPortal": boolean,
"mandatoryCustomerPortalMessage": string
Field | Scope | Description |
id | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Identifier of the issue type |
originalName | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Name of the issue type |
"id": string,
"originalName": string
Field | Scope | Description |
id | CLOUD | Identifier of the request type |
originalName | CLOUD | Name of the request type |
issueTypeId | CLOUD | Identifier of the issue type linked to the request type |
"id": "52",
"originalName": "Report a system problem",
"issueTypeId": "10008"
Field | Scope | Description |
issueStatuses | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Panel is editable only when the issue is in one of the selected statuses, so the array contains ids of the statuses |
projectRoles | ON PREMISE | Panel is editable only by users with one of the selected roles, so the array contains ids of the roles |
userCustomFields | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Panel is editable only if current user matches one of the selected user custom fields, so the array contains names of the custom fields |
"issueStatuses": [string],
"projectRoles": [string],
"userCustomFields": [string]
Field | Scope | Description |
id | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Identifier of the template |
name | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Name of the template |
jql (optional) | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Template will be available only on issues matching the JQL |
panel | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Template entries which contains rows corresponding to each entry of the template |
"id": string,
"name": string
"jql": string,
"panel": {
"rows": [{Cell}]
Field | Scope | Description |
type | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Type of the template attribute (all types listed in Attributes except File and Version) |
value | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Each cell type has a corresponding value type |
id: {
"type": "text"|"multiline"|"component"|"issue"|"select"|"user"|"checkbox"|"date"|"number",
"value": string|[string]|boolean|number
Here is the exhaustive list of attributes.
Field | Scope | Description |
id | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Identifier of the attribute |
name | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Name of the attribute |
type | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Type of the attribute, can be “text” for single-line text or “multiline” for multi-line text |
mandatory | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Defines if the attribute is mandatory |
helpText | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Text displayed as a hint to the user |
defaultValue | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Value to pre-populate the attribute |
"id": string,
"name": string,
"type": "text"|"multiline",
"mandatory": boolean,
"helpText": string,
"defaultValue": "string"|null
Field | Scope | Description |
id | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Identifier of the attribute |
name | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Name of the attribute |
type | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Type of the attribute |
mandatory | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Defines if the attribute is mandatory |
helpText | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Text displayed as a hint to the user |
defaultValue | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Value to pre-populate the attribute |
"id": string,
"name": string,
"type": "date",
"mandatory": boolean,
"helpText": string,
"defaultValue": number
Field | Scope | Description |
id | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Identifier of the attribute |
name | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Name of the attribute |
type | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Type of the attribute |
mandatory | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Defines if the attribute is mandatory |
helpText | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Text displayed as a hint to the user |
defaultValue | CLOUD ON PREMISE | No value to pre-populate the attribute, so it will always be null |
"id": string,
"name": string,
"type": "user",
"mandatory": boolean,
"helpText": string,
"defaultValue": null
Field | Scope | Description |
id | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Identifier of the attribute |
name | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Name of the attribute |
type | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Type of the attribute |
mandatory | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Defines if the attribute is mandatory |
footer | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Defines what the footer will display |
formula | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Information about the formula to be calculated, it contains:
isFixedDecimalsLength (optional) | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Specifies if the number of decimals is fixed |
decimalsLength (optional) | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Specifies the number of decimals |
"id": string,
"name": string,
"type": "calculated",
"mandatory": boolean,
"footer": "none"|"average"|"min"|"max"|"sum",
"formula": {
"content": string,
"mode": "basic"|"advanced",
"references": [{References}]
"isFixedDecimalsLength": boolean,
"decimalsLength": number
Field | Scope | Description |
id | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Reference identifier |
name | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Reference name |
baseType | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Reference baseType |
"id": string,
"name": string,
"baseType": "attribute"
Field | Scope | Description |
id | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Identifier of the attribute |
name | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Name of the attribute |
type | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Type of the attribute |
mandatory | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Defines if the attribute is mandatory |
helpText | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Text displayed as a hint to the user |
defaultValue | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Value to pre-populate the attribute |
footer | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Defines what the footer will display |
headerDisplayType | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Defines what the header will display |
"id": string,
"name": string,
"type": "checkbox",
"mandatory": boolean,
"helpText": string,
"defaultValue": boolean,
"footer": "none"|"percentagechecked"|"percentageunchecked",
"headerDisplayType": "master"|"attr_name"|"both"|"empty"
Field | Scope | Description |
id | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Identifier of the attribute |
name | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Name of the attribute |
type | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Type of the attribute |
mandatory | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Defines if the attribute is mandatory |
helpText | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Text displayed as a hint to the user |
defaultValue | CLOUD ON PREMISE | No value to pre-populate the attribute, so it will always be null |
"id": string,
"name": string,
"type": "component",
"mandatory": boolean,
"helpText": string,
"defaultValue": null
Field | Scope | Description |
id | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Identifier of the attribute |
name | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Name of the attribute |
type | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Type of the attribute |
mandatory | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Defines if the attribute is mandatory |
helpText | CLOUD ON PREMISE | No text displayed as a hint to the user, so it will always be null |
defaultValue | CLOUD ON PREMISE | No value to pre-populate the attribute, so it will always be null |
"id": string,
"name": string,
"type": "file",
"mandatory": boolean,
"helpText": null,
"defaultValue": null
Field | Scope | Description |
id | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Identifier of the attribute |
name | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Name of the attribute |
type | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Type of the attribute |
mandatory | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Defines if the attribute is mandatory |
helpText | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Text displayed as a hint to the user |
defaultValue | CLOUD ON PREMISE | No value to pre-populate the attribute, so it will always be null |
jql (optional) | CLOUD ON PREMISE | JQL that can filter the issues displayed in the select list |
"id": string,
"name": string,
"type": "issue",
"mandatory": boolean,
"helpText": string,
"defaultValue": null,
"jql": string
Field | Scope | Description |
id | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Identifier of the attribute |
name | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Name of the attribute |
type | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Type of the attribute |
mandatory | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Defines if the attribute is mandatory |
helpText | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Text displayed as a hint to the user |
defaultValue | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Value to pre-populate the attribute |
footer | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Defines what the footer will display |
formatting | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Defines of the number will be formatted |
"id": string,
"name": string,
"type": "number",
"mandatory": boolean,
"helpText": string,
"defaultValue": number,
"footer": "none"|"average"|"min"|"max"|"sum",
"formatting": "space"|"comma"|"raw"
Select list
Field | Scope | Description |
id | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Identifier of the attribute |
name | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Name of the attribute |
type | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Type of the attribute |
mandatory | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Defines if the attribute is mandatory |
helpText | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Text displayed as a hint to the user |
defaultValue | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Value to pre-populate the attribute, which is an array of string(s) corresponding to the id of a list option |
optionList | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Available options in the list, which contains:
selectionMode | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Defines the select list mode, either single or multiple |
"id": string,
"name": string,
"type": "select",
"mandatory": boolean,
"helpText": null,
"defaultValue": [string],
"optionList": [
"id": string,
"name": string,
"color": "none"|"default"|"success"|"error"|"current"|"complete"|"moved",
"active": boolean
"selectionMode": "single"|"multiple"
Field | Scope | Description |
id | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Identifier of the attribute |
name | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Name of the attribute |
type | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Type of the attribute |
mandatory | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Defines if the attribute is mandatory |
helpText | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Text displayed as a hint to the user |
defaultValue | CLOUD ON PREMISE | No value to pre-populate the attribute, so it will always be null |
version | CLOUD ON PREMISE | Specifies available version |
"id": string,
"name": string,
"type": "version",
"mandatory": boolean,
"helpText": string,
"defaultValue": null,
"version": "all"|"released"|"unreleased"