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In Templates tab, we can set pre-defined panel content so user can import it automatically in issue panel

Panel configuration

Since Elements Checklist version 1.6.0, multiple panel templates can be configured for a given panel.

To do so, go to Project > Panel configuration > Templates tab.

The new view displays the list of existing templates. You can create a new template from right top button "Create".

A new option "Auto populate" lets Elements Checklist populate the panel with the first template that matches JQL condition when an Issue is created. This option is available on the Server/Data Center version only.

Checklist panel template lists'

Elements Checklist panel templates as seen in Panel view

The field "Name" is required for each template.

Another field "JQL Condition" gives you the possibility to define a template display condition using JQL: only issues matching this condition will propose this template. This field is optional.

You can insert new rows into your panel template with static values. For your information:

  • File attributes cannot be filled
  • Mandatory attributes can be left empty

Checklist panel template creation

Elements Checklist panel templates as seen in Panel view

If you modify the panel structure, template content will be live-updated as well.

Issue panel

Once one or many templates are defined for a specific panel AND match JQL Condition, if the issue panel is empty, user will see a list of matching templates and he can pre-populate panel by clicking on the name of the template.

Insert template from issue screen

Elements Checklist panel templates as seen in Issue view

Once clicked, content is automatically imported. User can of course edit pre-defined content if he/she has permission.

Edit Checklist template in Jira issue

Elements Checklist panel once populated with template content

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