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Synchronize comments from JS to JSM respecting original comment restrictions

The need: synchronize comments from Jira Software to Jira Service Management and respect comment restrictions from the source issue

Currently, two behaviors exist regarding comment synchronization in JSM projects:

  • Either all comments are private and no customer can see them

  • Or all comments are public

This depends on the option "Make Jira Software comments public in Customer Portal":


It could be useful to make this behavior adaptive, depending on the comment restriction in the source project. This would result in the following behavior:

  • If a comment has restrictions in the source project, then it should be synchronized as internal in the JSM project

  • If a comment has no restrictions in the source project, then it should be synchronized as public in the JSM project

The solution: Set up two recipes and exclude the appropriate comment types

The solution is to implement two recipes:

  • The 1st recipe will synchronize all comments as public in the JSM project, and the comment type "Restricted comments" will be excluded.

  • The 2nd recipe will synchronize all comments as internal in the JSM project and the comment type "Comments visible to everyone" will be excluded.



A Copy & Sync recipe called "Copy tickets from JS to JSM" has been created, activated, and is available on issue SUP-1.

Configuration steps

1st recipe

1 - As a Jira administrator, navigate to the "Elements Copy & Sync Cloud" administration menu

2 - Go to the "Recipes" tab:


3 - Edit the "Copy tickets from JS to JSM" recipe:

  • Go to the "Target" tab:

    • Select a link in the "Create link to source issue" field, as follows:


This is essential for the second recipe (of type Synchronization) to work, as this recipe type is based on Jira issue links.

  • Go to the "Content" tab:

    • Enable the "Synchronize comments" option and configure it as follows:

  • Enable the "Advanced comments options" option and configure it as follows:


This way, the recipe will only copy unrestricted comments as public in the JSM project.

  • Save your changes

2nd recipe

1 - Create a new recipe of type "Synchronization":


2 - Configure it as follows:

  • The "Source" and "Target" tabs can be configured in the same way as the 1st recipe, so that both recipes will run in the same context.

  • Go to the "Content" tab:

    • Enable the "Synchronize comments" option:

  • Enable the "Advanced comments options" option and configure it as follows:


This way, the recipe will only copy restricted comments as internal in the JSM project.

  • Go to the "Triggers" tab, and select the link type you have set in the first recipe:

  • Save your changes

For already existing tickets, don't forget to activate synchronization using the "List synchronizable issues" and "Activate sync" functions, as mentioned here.

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