Migration FAQ

Is it possible to migrate the information using Jira Cloud Migration Assistant?
Jira Cloud Migration Assistant can be used to export the data from your fields in preparation to import them into your Cloud instance. For more details, see step 5 on Migration path
What is your plugin trial policy for Cloud?
You can try Elements Connect on Cloud for 30 days. If you questions about your evaluation period, contact our support team.
Can we connect to an Azure SQL database to fetch data?
Yes Microsoft Azure SQL database is supported by Elements Connect Cloud. See our documentation to learn more about the SQL databases.
What are the main differences between the plugin’s functions in DC/server vs Cloud?
Check out the “key concepts to understand” section on our page “Before you begin” <add link> as well as the Feature Parity comparison to understand the differences as you migrate.
How can I know if I can reproduce my Server/DC use case on Cloud?
If you still have questions about reproducing your use case after consulting the Feature Parity comparison, our support team will be happy to help you.
Does Cloud have read-only fields?
Yes, and you can learn more about them here: Connected item types
Are there conditional queries?
Conditional queries are not currently available on Cloud, but our Product Manager would like to learn more about your use case in order to prioritize future features on the roadmap. Click here to book a call.
How do I search by the new field, in the server version it was possible to define the key and then search by it, I’m not I understand how to search now.
Check out the key concepts to understand section on our page “Before you begin” as well as this page on mirror fields to understand how search currently works on Cloud.
As your data residency is in cloud, what region do you mainly store the data of the plugin?
Our data is currently stored in Virginia, USA.
What kind of information do you store about the plugin or its usage?
You can find all the details about the information we store on the Privacy and Security tab on the Marketplace listing.
I need help, how can I reach Elements?
If you’re encountering difficulties during your migration, contact our support team to get quick help. If you have questions about the roadmap, you can book a call with our Product Manager.