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Datasources are duplicated after migration


When migrating the Elements Connect configuration with Configuration Manager, some datasources are duplicated.


To prevent datasource duplication, Elements Connect uses uniqueness criteria to ensure that a datasource being migrated doesn't exist in the target instance.

If you notice that a datasource has been duplicated, it's probably because a uniqueness criteria has not been met and our app considers both datasources to be different.


Here are the uniqueness criteria used for each type of datasource:

Datasource typeCriteria
URLOauthAuthenticationAuthentication Type (see below)

DatabaseHost nameLoginScheme/SchemaDatabaseDriver

SalesforceSalesforce URLCustomer Key / Client Id

FileFile path


Zendesk SupportSubdomainClient ID

Zendesk SellClient ID

Regarding URL datasources, there are other criteria based on the Authentication type:

Authentication typeCriteria
HTTP BasicLogin

OAuth2Client IDAuthorise URLToken URLScopes

When you notice that a datasource has been duplicated, you need to compare both datasources (in the source and target Jira instances) according to these criteria:

  • If one of these criteria is different, then the behavior you're facing is normal, as Elements Connect considers both datasources to be different.
  • If all criteria are identical, this may be a bug, so please report this issue to our support team.

"Application Links" datasources are specific to each Jira instance and are not intended to be migrated.

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