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Display Elements Connect field in Jira issues


In this final section, you'll learn how to add your new Connect field to Jira issues (1 min)

7/ Display an Elements Connect field in your Jira issue screens

1/ Add your new Elements Connect field to Jira issue screens

From the Fields tab of the Elements Connect administration interface, click on the gear to access options for the field you just created.

Click on Screens to open a new tab to easily associate the field Project Picker to the appropriate screens.

Add new Elements Connect field to Jira issue screens

Add new Elements Connect field to Jira issue screens

Select the Jira issue screens to which you want to add your new Elements Connect custom field.

Check all screens to which custom field will be added

2/ See it in action by creating a new issue

Create a new issue in your project (for us project THR - Tellurian Human Resources)

Example of new custom field in create issue screen

And that's it! You have successfully created your own project picker with Elements Connect! Congrats! 👍

You are now ready to go further and implement your own use cases. To do so, check the advanced resources available in the next page.

Useful resources to go further =>

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