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Onboarding - Step 3 - Keep them in sync

Let's say that a new Account manager, Tom, has just been hired by Valiantys. We agree on a start date and our HR manager immediately creates a New employee issue in JIRA. Tasks are created and the agreed start date is injected so the respective tasks owners know when their jobs need to be done.

But - because there is a always a 'but' - for a personal reason, Tom has to postpone his arrival by one week. If the HR team updates the arrival date on the source issue but then has to manually updates related tasks or inform their owner, that becomes a huge waste of time. 

The solution is to create an Elements Copy & Sync synchronisation to automatically keep in sync tasks when the source issue is updated.

Here is how we configure it.

Field mapping

The first step in the configuration of a synchronisation is to create a field mapping. In this case, it's pretty simple: we just want to synchronise the Arrival date of our employee. 

Onboarding arrival date field mapping


Now, we can create the synchronisation.

The important parameters here are:

  • Source issues: we want the synchronisation to be triggered when an issue of type employee in project HR is updated
  • Target issues: the synchronisation will update all issues located in projects Human resources, Training or Internal IT linked to the source issue with relation relates to
  • Mapping: we select here the field mapping previously created and only sync the Arrival date field

Arrival date synchronization in onboarding process

Arrival date synchronization for onboarding

Save and we're set - our issues are now synchronised.

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