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Streamline employee onboarding by automatically generating tasks

Don't lose time on repetitive work! Automate your employee onboarding tasks and follow the progress with Elements Copy & Sync.


HR managers have strict processes to follow when a new employee joins the company, such as creating accounts, ordering IT equipment, request paperwork, etc. While the process is written in your knowledge base, during the execution you waste a lot of time sending notifications and reminders to the task owners.


Let Elements Copy & Sync automate and organise these tasks for you. Create an issue in your JIRA project and fill in the required information (name, department, role, etc.).

New Employee onboarding issue

Hit the create button and let Elements Copy & Sync do the rest: 

  • create all the related tasks which are based on the employee's profile
  • assign tasks to their owner
  • provide an overview of all the tasks from the source issue which are either in progress or resolved, grouped by domain

New Employee on boarding issue with related tasks

Read detailed instructions

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