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Remote instance

Possible actions & limitations

You can perform several actions with Elements Copy & Sync on your remote Jira instances and your remote Confluence.

Remote instance

Available actions

Remote JIRA instance

Create and link issues
Synchronise issues
(with less available options than in a local context)

Remote Confluence

Create pages

Please note that due to technical constraints and security reasons, the use of Copy & Sync between 2 remote Jira instances doesn't offer the same range of features as in a single local instance. As a result, some options are not available, such as selecting an author in a remote synchronization or the possibility to copy the comments of a ticket in a remote operation. 

For more information, please contact our support team.

How to do it

Before you can achieve these actions, you have to configure access to your remote instance. You have to set up an Application link between your local JIRA and your remote instance.

The way you configure the Application Link will determine the users which will be used by Elements Copy & Sync to perfom these actions. Here are the possibilities :

  • Trusted Apps (no longer used in JIRA 7.2 or higher) :

    • the logged in user (the one who performs the action) will be used.

  • OAuth :

    • without impersonation : the pre-configured user will be used (doesn't work because of a bug)

    • with impersonation : the logged in user will be used (no longer supported in Jira Cloud. Works only with On Premise instances).

  • Basic authentication (no longer used in JIRA 7.2 or higher)

    • the pre-configured user will be used

If you want Elements Copy & Sync to work correctly, make sure that the user used by Elements Copy & Sync when performing actions has been provided with the appropriate permissions.

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