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Step 2 - Create the escalation operation

1 - Go the global administration menu > Add-ons > Elements Copy & Sync configuration.

2 - Add an operation by going to the Operations tab > Add:

Operation Configuration to escalate issue

  • Choose a meaningful name for your operation, e.g. Escalate issue to the operations team.
  • We do not need to configure the Display tab since we will automate the operation and won't have it displayed.

3 - Configure the Activation tab:

Activation tab of operation configuration

  • Configure the source issue that will be used for the operation by defining a JQL filter.

In our case, we are creating an operation dedicated to the Declare an incident on a material request type.

How to check the Customer Request Type value? Use Elements Copy & Sync JQL checker!

JQL Syntax helper

4 - Configure the Target tab:

Operation configuration target tab

  • Define in which project you will create which issue type with which link.
  • Make sure to select the eye icon to ensure these settings are read-only.
  • Check Bypass user permission: this will ensure your Jira Service Management agent can escalate the ticket in another project even though he doesn't have enough permissions.
  • Choose the previously created field mapping. By clicking on the "Check mapping" link, a new window will pop up to display what fields are mapped in the selected field mapping.

Check selected field mapping

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