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Step 3 - Configure the escalation post-function

1 - Go the global administration menu > Workflows and edit the workflow used by the source issue.

2 - Select the transition where you want to trigger the operation and go to the Post-functions menu:

Select transition to create and link issue

3 - Add a new post-function:

Add Post function to the Workflow transition

4 - Select the Elements Copy & Sync: Create and link Issue post-function:

Create and link Jira issues post function

5 - Configure the post-function and click on Add operation once finished:

Create and link Jira issues post function configuration

  • Choose the previously created operation.
  • Select the author of the operation: this is the setting that will let your Jira Service Management agent trigger the issue creation even though he doesn't have the required permissions.

6 - Click on Add to save and then Publish your workflow changes.

Publish project Workflow after adding the post function

7 - For example, for the below issue, when the user change the transition to the one selected above "In progress", Elements Copy&Sync Post Function will trigger the operation and new issue will be created and linked to the original issue.

Original issue to lunch operation on Transition

9 - That's it! Your Jira Service Management agent can now create an issue in the operations project through a transition.

Created linked Issue after changing transition

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