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Sync comments - Step 1 - Create the field mapping

The Elements Copy & Sync synchronisations are configured with a field mappingwhich specifies which JIRA fields must be synchronised.

In our situation, the comments are requested to be synchronised between projects (will be configured in the synchronisations). Here we have also chosen to copy the value of the Fix Version/s field between our JIRA Software project and our JIRA Service Management project so that the agents are automatically notified when a fix version is set on the development side. This piece of information can then be forwarded to the user.

  1. Go to Administration > Add-ons > Elements Copy & Sync Configuration
  2. Go to the Field Mapping tab and add a new field mapping
  3. Configure the field mapping like the example below and Save

Synchronize comment between Jira and JSD field mapping

The field mapping is now created and ready to be used in a synchronisation. Let's configure it!

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