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Goals configuration

Defining measurable and achievable goals will help your teams stay motivated.

Click on the “Goals” left panel to access each activated category and their indicators.

How to define goals?

Note that goals results are based on monthly metrics

  • Find the indicator you’re looking to improve

  • Understand your results:

    • current result → latest completed month

    • previous month result → penultimate completed month

  • Define or adjust goal of following month. Value is automatically saved.

Indicators that should be increased:

Resolution rate
Success rate of SLAs
First Contact Resolution Rate (FCRR)

Indicators that should be decreased:

Average time to first response
Average Resolution Time (ART)
Customer abandonment rate
Average number of exchanges
Ticket recategorization
Request Reopenning Rate

Known limitations

There is no history records of defined goals. Only current value is available.

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