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In the fast-paced realm of IT support, productivity isn't just about speed—it's about resolving issues efficiently and effectively, with minimal back-and-forth.

How is the category score computed?

The Productivity score is an aggregated average of all indicators within this category, reflecting a holistic view of our team's operational efficiency.

Indicators you’ll find here:

First Contact Resolution Rate

First Contact Resolution Rate measures the percentage of tickets resolved upon the first 3 interactions with the customer.

Why 3 interactions?

Since many IT support teams use automation for initial responses, we have raised this KPI threshold to 3 public comments, which is still considered a relatively low number of exchanges.

How does the First Contact Resolution Rate affect scoring ?

A high rate will impact positively your category score, as customers received an efficient answer to their requests.

(info) However, depending on your workflow, it can also mean that you have some automations to create, in order for your teams to spend their time on more complex requests.

Average number of exchanges

Average Number of Exchanges refers to the average number of interactions needed to resolve a ticket. It is based on public comments count.

How does the Average number of Exchanges affect scoring ?
As number of exchanges may vary a lot from an industry to another, scoring of this indicator is based on your historical data (defined during initial setup). Being below or around your median ensures positive impact on category score. The further you are from the median, the more you global score will be impacted, as it decreases productivity.

Recategorization Rate

Recategorization Rate indicates how often tickets are reclassified to different categories. It is based on request type changes.

How does the Recategorization Rate affect scoring ?
Ideally, this rate should be low, reflecting accurate categorization. High recategorization rate impacts negatively your global scoring, it indicates you may need to customize your request types within JSM.

Request Reopening Rate

Request Reopening Rate measures the percentage of tickets that are reopened after being marked as resolved.

How does the Request Reopening Rate affect scoring ?

A lower rate is better, as it suggests resolutions are definitive.

(info) The request reopening rate is the only indicator where data is not stored on the creation date, but on the resolution date, as the resolution is the event that may have occured too fast.

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