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Metrics methodology

Understand the analytical processes behind the metrics and deepen your understanding of the data provided by Elements Pulse.

Data Storage and Reporting in Elements Pulse

Elements Pulse provides comprehensive dashboards on Satisfaction, service quality, SLA performance, and productivity for Jira Service Management. To ensure consistent and accurate reporting, it is crucial to understand how data is stored and associated with specific time periods in Elements Pulse.

Data Association by Creation Date

In Elements Pulse, all data metrics are stored and reported based on the creation date of each request. This means that the performance scores, including SLA compliance, productivity, and customer experience metrics, are linked to the date the request was created, not the date when the event occurred.

👉 This choice can explain the differences with the results presented by JSM.


  • Request Creation Date: January 1st

  • Request Resolution Date: February 1st

In this example, the resolution score and other related metrics for this request will be attributed to January, the month when the request was created. This method ensures that all metrics are consistently aligned with the creation date, providing a clear and accurate historical performance view.

Why This Matters

By associating data with the creation date, Elements Pulse allows for more accurate tracking and analysis of trends over time. This approach helps in:

  • Trend Analysis: Understanding how performance evolves based on when requests are initiated.

  • Accurate Reporting: Aligning metrics with the period they are most relevant to, which aids in more precise reporting and forecasting.

  • Consistency: Maintaining a consistent approach to data attribution, simplifying the analysis and comparison of performance metrics over different periods.

(info) Request Reopening Rate and Average time to first response are exceptions to this rule.

Understanding Data Updates in Elements Pulse

Elements Pulse ensures that your dashboards and insights are as accurate and up-to-date as possible. To achieve this, our system updates data on an hourly basis. However, it's important to note that this update frequency may occasionally result in discrepancies between real-time survey results and the insights presented in Elements Pulse.

Hourly Data Updates

Elements Pulse performs data updates every hour. This means that the metrics and performance indicators you see on your dashboards are refreshed with the latest available data every hour. This approach allows us to provide comprehensive and reliable insights while managing the system's performance and data integrity.

Real-Time Survey Results vs. Hourly Updates

Survey results are retrieved and displayed in real time. Due to the hourly update schedule of other metrics in Elements Pulse, there may be instances where survey results appear more current than the associated insights on your dashboards.


  • Survey Response Time: Real-time

  • Dashboard Update Time: Hourly

In this scenario, a customer survey response submitted at 10:45 AM will be immediately visible in the survey results. However, the overall metrics and insights on the dashboard will not reflect this new data until the next hourly update, maybe 1 hour later. This delay window can create a temporary discrepancy between the survey results and the broader insights presented.

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