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Service Quality

Service Quality score is a composite metric that offers a holistic view of your support performance. It encapsulates key aspects of your service delivery.

How is the category score computed?

Category score is calculated as the average of scores for resolution rate, time to first response, time to resolution and customer abandonment rate.

Each indicator is scored on a specific scale that considers the nature and impact of the metric. The aggregate of these individual scores, each weighted according to their respective scales, provides a comprehensive Service Quality score, reflecting your overall service efficiency and effectiveness.

Indicators you’ll find here:

Number of requests created

Number of request created is for guidance only. This indicator is not part of the category scoring formula, as it does not reflects quality of service but rather incoming demand.

However, it is crucial to have it to understand other indicators.

Resolution Rate

Resolution rate is the proportion of all created requests (within a certain time frame) that have been resolved.

How does the resolution rate affect scoring ?

It is scored by comparing the current resolution rate to a target, with a linear rating scale. The better the resolution rate, the greater the impact on your global scoring.

Average time to first response

Average time to first response measures how long it takes for a customer to receive the first response to their query.

How does the Average Time to First Response affect scoring ?
As time to first response may vary a lot from an industry to another, scoring of this indicator is based on your historical data (defined during setup). Being below or around your median ensures positive impact on category score. The further you are from the median, the more you global score will be impacted.

(info) Average time to first response is calculated on calendar days, not working days.

This indicator is presented on the date of first comment, and not on the creation date of the request.

Average Resolution Time

Average Resolution Time gauges the average time taken to fully resolve customer issues.

How does the Average Resolution Time affect scoring ?
Similar to other indicators, it is based on your historical data. Being below or around your median ensures positive impact on category score. The further you are from the median, the more you global score will be impacted.

(info) Average time to resolution time is calculated on calendar days, not working days.

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