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The SLA (Service Level Agreement) category is pivotal in evaluating the efficiency and reliability of your IT support services. It's a measure of your commitment to your users and a reflection of your ability to meet or exceed predefined service standards.

How is the category score computed?

The SLA scoring is calculated as the average of all individual SLA scores over a given period.

It's essential to activate SLAs for them to be included in the scoring. If SLAs are not set up or activated, their scoring is considered null. Unactivated SLAs do not negatively impact the global scoring but are simply excluded from the calculation.

Indicators you’ll find here:

All your SLAs Success Rate

You’ll find in the category as many indicators as there are SLAs defined in your projects.

If you have one SLA in project A, and 3 in project B, then this SLAs section will be composed of 4 indicators.

How is the SLA success rate computed?

Your SLA success rate will integrate the number of cycles non-breached, in comparison with the total number of cycles (completed or not) of the requests created on the period you are looking at.

How does the SLA success rate affect scoring?

It is scored based on how well the team meets these targets, based on a linear rating scale. 100% success rate will boost global scoring.

👉 This indicator is only available if you have defined SLAs on JSM.

👉 If two projects share a given SLA, let’s say “Time to Resolution”, then you will see two distincts indicators, one for each project.

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