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Data sanitization procedure

At Elements, we value the data and privacy of all our customers, even after they stop using our products.

That is why we have put in place a data sanitization procedure which ensures that your data is removed from our environments once you stop using our Cloud applications upon your request.

Here are the steps that you must follow to ask for your data and configurations to be deleted: 

  1. Retrieve your SEN, it will be your key to trigger this process
  2. Uninstall our add-on from your Cloud instance
  3. Open a ticket on our Support portal, it must indicate:
    1. "Data sanitization request" as the "Summary" of your ticket
    2. Your SEN, in the "SEN" field of the request
    3. The host URL of your Cloud instance in the "Description" (for example "")

Once this request has been approved by our Support team, you still have two weeks to cancel it should you change your mind.

Please note that when the two week window closes, your data will be entirely deleted from our environment, with no possibility of restoring it.

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