Create and activate a recipe
As a Jira administrator, you have just installed Elements Publish on your Jira Cloud instance and you don't know where to start!
There is absolutely no need to panic. The first step in your configuration is to create and activate a copy recipe.
Elements Publish recipes are highly customizable tools that allow Jira admins to create Confluence page templates that can be applied to many specific use cases. Admins can create as many recipes as they need for any given situation, and make them available to their users directly from the relevant Jira issues.
This guide explains how to create a single recipe and to activate it.
Elements Publish has been installed on your Jira Cloud instance.
Configuration steps
1 - As a Jira administrator, go to the "Elements Publish to Confluence" administration and click on the "Create a new recipe" button.
2 - If this is the first time you use Elements Publish, you will be asked to install the Confluence connector add-on. This helper add-on is entirely free. It is required to let your Jira and your Confluence communicate.
Otherwise, you can go to step 6 directly.

3 - Click on the "install the free Publish to Confluence connector add-on" link in the pop-up. It will open the installation page on the Confluence Marketplace.

4 - Install the add-on on your Confluence instance. It must be part of the same Cloud instance as your Jira.
5 - Go back to the recipe creation dialog, and click on the Check again button.

6 - As the connector add-on has been detected, you can now enter a Name and a Description for your recipe. They will be used to identify your recipe.

7 - Click on the "Create" button.
8 - For now, you don't have to configure your recipe, click on the "Close" link at the right of the page.
At this point, your recipe has been created, and it is now visible in the "Drafts" section of the recipe listing.
However, it won't be available to use on any Jira issue until it is activated.
9 - In the recipe listing, click on the "..." button related to your recipe in the "Drafts" listing, and select the Activate option.
10 - In the confirmation window, click on the "Activate" button.
With these steps, you have created and activated your first recipe. By default, it will be available to all users on every Jira issues in your Cloud instance.
For now, this recipe will not let you create a Confluence page. Indeed, you need first to configure where your pages will be created, as well as define the default content of these pages.
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