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Introduction to Elements Publish

Elements Publish streamlines your documentation with Jira to Confluence integration.

Elements Publish is a versatile app designed for Jira Cloud that enhances collaboration by seamlessly creating Confluence pages directly from Jira issues. This integration empowers teams to efficiently document and share project details, ensuring alignment and clarity across workflows.


Key features

Effortless documentation creation

Generate Confluence pages effortlessly from Jira issues, eliminating the need for manual copying and pasting of information. With Elements Publish, you will be able to quickly capture issue details, including summaries, descriptions, attachments, and comments, into structured Confluence pages.

Learn more: Create Confluence pages from Jira

Automated updates and syncing

Maintain consistency between Jira and Confluence with automated updates. Changes made in Jira issues reflect in linked Confluence pages, ensuring real-time synchronization of project documentation.

Learn more: Update Confluence pages with synchronized data from Jira

Customizable templates

Customize Confluence page templates to suit specific project needs. Define layouts, fields, and formatting options to standardize documentation and enhance readability.

Learn more: Guide your users with easy to use recipes

Enhanced collaboration and visibility

Foster collaboration across teams by centralizing project documentation in Confluence. Share comprehensive project insights, milestones, and updates to keep stakeholders informed and aligned.

Learn more: Integrate into your existing processes seamlessly

Use cases that might speak to you

Project documentation

Streamline project documentation processes by automatically generating Confluence pages for Jira issues, enhancing visibility and accessibility of project details.

Cross-Team Collaboration

Facilitate collaboration between development, support, and management teams by centralizing project documentation in Confluence, ensuring alignment on project goals and milestones.

Compliance and reporting

Maintain audit trails and compliance requirements by documenting project activities and updates in Confluence pages linked to Jira issues.

If this short introduction has stirred your imagination, why not give it a try?
Try Elements Publish for free.

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