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Source settings

In the Source configuration tab, you can find the settings that let you define for which issues your recipe will be available.

Source issues

Confluence pages can be only be created from issues which satisfy the criteria in this section.
In other words, if an issue does not satisfy all these criteria, the recipe will not be available in the issue view: it will not be displayed, and you won't be able to use it to create a Confluence page.


Use this setting to restrict the projects from which the recipe can publish Confluence pages. 
If you select one or more projects, the recipe can only be triggered from issues belonging to one of these projects. If you leave the field empty, the recipe can be triggered from issues belonging to all projects on your Jira instance.

Issue type

Use this setting to restrict the types of issues from which the recipe can create pages. 
If you select one or more issue types, the recipe can only be triggered from issues with one of these types. If you leave the field empty, the recipe can be triggered from issues belonging to all types.


Use this setting to restrict the current status of the issues from which the recipe can publish Confluence pages. 
If you select one or more statuses, the recipe can only be triggered from issues currently in one of these statuses. If you leave the field empty, the recipe can be used from issues in all statuses.

Additional filter

Use this field to write a JQL filter. The recipe can only be used from issues which satisfy the filter, in addition to all the other criteria defined in this section. 

Configuration tester

The configuration tester can be used to check the filters set up in the "Source issues" section.

Clicking on the Run test button will trigger a Jira search which returns the exact list of issues where the recipe will be available. With this tool, you can quickly check if the set up in this tab has been properly done.

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