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The structure of an Elements Checklist panel is composed of Attributes

Checklist structure attribute configuration

Panel structure configuration

Attribute types

CalculatePerform calculation based on Number, Checkbox or Calculate attributesSee the Calculate attributes formulas page for more details(tick)
CheckboxTwo states checkbox: checked or unchecked
  • When used in formula:
    • checked box are evaluated to 1
    • un checked are evaluated to 0
ComponentList all components configured in the current project

DateDate fieldDisplay format is 2017/08/21 (yyyy/mm/dd)(tick)
FileMulti value file picker
  • Propose files attached to the issue - Elements Checklist does not offer its own attachment mechanism
  • Not possible for Project administrators to set a default value

IssueSet of Jira IssuesProject Administrator can filter suggested issues with a JQL query. If left blank, all issues from your Jira instance will be listed.(tick)
NumberCan store Integer or float
  • Number limited to 100 000 000 000 000 (in absolute value)
  • Number precision is limited to 5 decimal digits
  • Values displayed are rounded to the second digit (ie: 3.14159 is rounded to 3.14 in the issue)
Select listList of options configured by the project administratorAbility to inactive select list option
TextSingle line text, without formattingStyling with Markdown is supported(tick)
Text multi-lineText on multiple lines.Styling with Markdown is supported(tick)
UserReference to a JIRA user
  • Find the user by typing his username or email.
  • Not possible for Project administrators to set a default value
VersionList all versions configured in the current projectProject Administrator can choose to display all versions, only released versions or only not released versions

Panel configuration edition

If the configuration of an existing panel is changed, it may or may not have an impact on the existing data.

Let's see this in detail: 

  • when an attribute is deleted from a Panel configuration, it will be deleted on existing issues - all data will be lost
  • when an attribute is added to a panel configuration, it will be added on already populated panels - its value will be empty even if it is mandatory.
  • when a calculated attribute is created or edited, it will appear on existing panels - the computation will be made, it means that you won't have to edit existing Elements Checklist to see the result of the computation. However, in order to be able to perform JQL searches based on this attribute, all issues of the project must be re-indexed.

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