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2024/11/12 - Issue synchronization downtime

On Tuesday, at 10:33 am UTC, a new version of Elements Copy & Sync caused partial service downtime, and synchronisation recipes couldn’t be executed. After investigating the flaw, we rolled back at 4:58 pm UTC.

During this downtime, changes to your Issues data could not be synchronized.

What data was affected?

No synchronizations were executed between November 12th, 10:33 AM UTC, and 4:58 PM UTC. As a result, all data normally synchronized using Copy & Sync recipes (Synchronization recipes and Copy recipes with synchronization enabled) was not synchronized during this period.

How can I know if I was impacted?

Contact our support team for guidance on performing an analysis. We will also review our logs to assist you. When creating a ticket, please include your configuration dump to help us assess the impact effectively.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.