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Connections and remote recipes

What are connections for remote recipes?

Connections for remote recipes are linked created between separate Jira Cloud instances that can be used to copy and synchronize issues across those instances.

They can be configured in a dedicated “Connections” page available from the top navigation menu of Elements Copy & Sync, and can be used by remote recipes.

Please note that you only need an active licence on the source instance to copy & synchronize data from the source instance to the target instance.

An active licence on the target instance is only required if you need bidirectional cloning or synchronization of data between the two instances.

What is a remote recipe?

Remote recipes are a specific type of Copy & Sync recipes where issues can be copied and synchronized on a remote instance different from the local Jira instance. This enables different teams to collaborate whether they belong to the same organization or not.

(lightbulb) Learn how to configure connections and remote recipes.

Recipes compatibility with remote connections

Recipe type

Remote compatible

Copy & Sync




Subtasks creation


Clone and Move


If you need remote recipes to become available on more recipes types, please let us know.

Available features for remote recipes


Remote availability

Source issues




Copy to one issue


Create a static number of issues


Create a dynamic number of issues


Display in customer portal














Manual trigger


Post function trigger


Bulk trigger


API trigger


Data residency


For remote instance to work both instances need to be hosted in the same region. Cross region remote isn’t yet available.

Configuration export


Remote instance recipes won’t be included in the export file because they depend on, and contain, information on other instances.

If you need some missing feature to become available for remote recipes, please let us know.


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