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Reduce the "Max Suggestions" option


The value of the Max Suggestions option may have been increased in some Connect fields, with the effect of increasing the number of results returned by the datasource and processed by our app. 

The default value is 100, and should not be increased. The greater the number of results to be processed, the greater the slowdowns encountered.

Setting this option to 0 means that there is no limit to the number of results returned, which can have a significant impact on performance!

This problem doesn't concern Read-Only (single-value) fields, where the Max Suggestions option is not available.

If reducing this option to 100 is problematic and doesn’t allow you to retrieve all the data you need, you should consider using the $userInput variable instead, as explained here.


Edit your Connect fields and perform the following actions:

  • Go to the Edit view tab:

    • Go to Advanced options.

    • Make sure the Max Suggestions option is set to 100,as below:

  • Go to the Display view tab:

    • Check whether a specific template is configured in one of the views (the main view or a specific view).

    • If so, go to Advanced options.

    • Make sure the Max Suggestions option is set to 100.

  • Go to the Search view tab:

    • Check whether a specific template is configured.

    • If so, go to Advanced options.

    • Make sure the Max Suggestions option is set to 100.

If no specific template is configured, then the Display and Search views automatically inherit the Edit view template.

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