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What value for the cache duration?

The cache duration is used to specify how long the result of a query is kept in memory in Jira. When the cache duration ends, the stored data is removed to free up memory. Then, the next time the same data request is made, the app will fetch fresh data from the datasource and refill the cache with this updated information.

  • Recommended cache duration: 5 minutes - this value will work for most usages.
  • Minimum cache duration: 1 second

As long as the cache duration has not expired, any change in the datasource will not be reflected in the Connect field, so it's up to you to define the most appropriate duration, according to the following logic:

  • For rarely or never changing data, a long cache duration can be defined → several hours to days.
  • For frequently changing data, a short cache duration is recommended → a few minutes.

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