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The first step of an overview configuration consists in selecting where to display your overview.

Issue Display Conditions

As a project administrator, you can control when and where an overview is displayed on an issue.

Example Condition

To display overviews only on issues of type Bug, use the following JQL condition: issuetype = Bug

For more details on JQL, visit the Jira JQL Guide.

Overview display context

You can choose where the overview is displayed within the issue.

An overview can have two types of view: Table or Card, depending on the location. Some features, such as calculated footers or the hierarchy display, are only available in the Table view.

The available locations are:

Jira and JSM Agent view:

  • Issue details: Displayed in the Glance view experience (Table view)

  • Issue panel: Displayed under native Jira sections (Card view)

  • Issue activity: Displayed in a dedicated tab (Table view)

JSM Portal:

  • Request panel: Displayed on the right part of a request (Card view)

  • Request details: Displayed under native Jira sections (Table view)

Note: JSM issue locations can only be selected in Jira Service Management projects administration.

Next step: Focus configuration

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