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Introduction to Elements Copy & Sync

With Elements Copy & Sync, discover what efficient issue cloning and synchronization really means.

Elements Copy & Sync is a robust app designed for Jira Cloud that enhances productivity by enabling users to clone and synchronize Jira issues effortlessly. This tool streamlines workflows by ensuring consistency across projects and facilitating seamless collaboration.


Key features

Issue cloning made simple

Clone Jira issues with ease, preserving all relevant details such as summaries, descriptions, attachments, comments, and custom fields.

Quickly create duplicates of issues without manually recreating information, saving time and reducing errors.

Even better, there is no limitation to how many issues you can create every day.

Learn more: Copy Jira issues quickly and easily

Automated synchronization

Maintain consistency between cloned issues and their originals with automated synchronization. Updates made to the original issue reflect in its clones, event their workflow statuses, ensuring data integrity across projects.

Learn more: Synchronise all changes between an issue and its copy

Flexible configuration options

Customize cloning and synchronization settings to meet specific project requirements. Define which fields and information should be copied and how synchronization should be managed.

Learn more: Guide your users as much as you need with simple recipes

Enhanced collaboration and workflow efficiency

Facilitate collaboration across teams by ensuring all members have access to up-to-date information. Simplify task management and improve decision-making with synchronized issue data.

Learn more: Integrate into your existing process seamlessly

Use cases that might speak to you

Issue escalation and collaboration between support and developers

Facilitate seamless issue escalation between support teams using Jira Service Management and development teams in Jira. When a customer issue requires escalation to the development team for resolution:

  • Clone issues for escalation: Use Elements Copy & Sync to clone relevant parts of the customer support issue from Jira Service Management into Jira. This ensures all relevant details, such as customer details, issue description, and initial troubleshooting steps, are preserved.

  • Maintain data consistency: Automate synchronization between the cloned issue in Jira and its original counterpart in Jira Service Management. This synchronization ensures that updates, comments, and resolutions made by either team are reflected in both instances, fostering collaboration and maintaining data integrity.

  • Streamline communication: Improve communication between support and development teams by providing clear visibility into issue status, progress, and resolutions. Each team can work within their respective environments while staying informed of updates from the other, ensuring timely resolution and customer satisfaction thanks to comments synchronization and automated fields updates.

Template creation

Create issue templates by cloning a standardized set of fields and configurations, all at once, promoting consistency across whole projects and teams.

If this short introduction has stirred your imagination, why not give it a try?
Try Elements Copy & Sync for free.

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